محتوای دوره ها

Process paragraph

Process paragraph      When supporting sentences are arranged in a step-by-step sequence which tells Us how something is made or done, this development is called process. Process development is in fact, a kind of enumeration, but here we are ...

Unit 17 to 32

Mercy Law Asking about free-time activities What do you do in your free-time?What do you do in your free-time?How do you spend your free-time? Responding I play sports.I like to play sports.I go to the gym.I enjoy singing. Showing interest ...

Unit 1 to 16

Starting a conversation Hi. My name's ....Hello. How is it going?Excuse me. What's your name?Nice day, isn't it? Closing a conversation Listen, I'd better get going. See you later. Well, I need to go. Have a nice day.I've got to run. ...

Speak now 2

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Unit 17 to 32

Asking about a place What's your apartment/house/place like?How many rooms are there?Is there a yard/laundry room? Describing a place It's very convenient.It's small, but convenient.There are four rooms.Yes, there is a yard.No, there isn't a laundry room. Asking for suggestions ...

Unit 1 to 16

Greeting people Saying Hi Good morningGood afternoonGood eveningHelloHiHey (informal) Let's Talk Greeting How are you?How is everything?How are you doing?How is it going?How are things? Let's Talk Responding I'm fine, thank you.Everything is great.Fine, thanks.I'm alright.Not so well. Let's Talk ...

Stages of writing

Stages of writing 1- Pre-writing2- Drafting3- Revising4- Editing Pre-Writing strategies:1- Mapping or clustering2- Free writing3- Listing4- 5 Ws or journalistic questions5- Brainstorming Mapping or clustering Clustering is a prewriting technique that allows you to develop your ideas with the help of ...

Simple, compound, and complex sentences

Simple, compound, and complex sentences Simple sentences Simple sentences have 4 patterns:1- One subject +one verbe.g. I watched the world cup.2- Two subjects + one verbe.g. My friends and I watched the world cup.3- One subject + two verbse.g. We ...

Unity and coherence

Unity and Coherence Unity A unified paragraph focuses on one main idea. For example, if you are writing an essay bout the advantages of different types of pain medication, you should discuss only the advantages of them. Don’t discuss the ...


Writing skills Capitalization The first letter of the first word in a sentenceCapitalize the first letter of each sentence in English. Some examples: She had an argument with her brother, she she left the house. She spent the day with her friend ...
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