Problem and solution essay

Problem and solution essay

In this type of essay, you need to discuss the problems with regard to a particular topic and then suggest possible solutions to these problems. Problem solution essays consider the problems of a particular situation and give solutions to those problems. In the introduction, you give some background information, you state the problem and the possible solutions in the thesis statement. The first body mentions the problem or the problems; and the other bodies, you present all the solutions to the aforementioned problem or problems; and in the conclusion, you restate the thesis statement and summarize all the important points about the problem and the solutions.

     The internet

     There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionized communication and information-sharing in the same way that the telegraph and the television did before it. The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to the way that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there are several solutions.

    There are two major problems relating to internet usage. One of the problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access potentially dangerous sites. These sites are easily accessible to them because they can register with a site and claim to be an adult. There is no doubt that this affects their thought and development, which is a negative impact for the children and for the society. Another major problem is the growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about government and company websites that have been hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling into the hands of criminals.

    It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. First, Governments should ensure that adequate legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young people from accessing dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site. Second, parents also have a part to play. They need to closely monitor the activities of their children and restrict their access to certain sites, which can now be done through various computer programs. Third, companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much more difficult by undertaking thorough reviews of their current systems for weaknesses.

    To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has transformed people’s lives, but not without negative impacts. However, with the right action by individuals, governments and businesses, it can be made a safe place for everyone.

    Don’t be a target

     “This is just like I have got an ATM in my room!” When I used internet banking at first, I was impressed by the usefulness of the online banking system. Thanks to the Internet, rapid information technology advances have led us to a more convenient world. Now you can manage our own account without going to the bank. Even if you don’t have enough time to go to a bank, you will immediately be able to transfer your money by using the internet. However, in this convenient way to access a bank account, your money might be exposed to serious problems and has the potential to be stolen by someone whom you don’t know. To protect your property from crime, and to use the internet banking effectively, there are several ways in which you should pay more careful attention.

     A few years ago, my sister told me that, on her credit history, she had found some weird withdrawals. According to my sister, one day she was looking at her credit account to check monthly payments by using the internet. Actually, she hadn’t recognized the fact, until that day, that a small amount of money had been taken from her account over a few months. She wondered what she had paid for, so she soon checked all her receipts, which she had kept just in case. However, she couldn’t find any receipts for the payments. Moreover, she still had no idea about the purchases, so she called to the bank and asked a bank worker to stop the account. Fortunately, the bank returned the money to her, and the bank worker said to her that she might have been cheated on her credit number and password while she was shopping online.

    If so, how can we protect money from crime? First, the most basic thing is not to access your bank account from the computers in an internet café or other public places. The computers in public places have a much greater possibility to be a target of the “Key Logger” program (Kim). If the program is set up on a computer, the program will memorize every key operation which you type. Furthermore, the program has an automatic function itself to send the collected information, such as your password or ID number, to the criminal.

    Next, you shouldn’t keep the same password for a long time. Even if you only accessed the bank account from your own computer, it’s not enough to prevent your account being a target. Especially, if you are using the automatic log in system, the possibility to be cheated on your password will increase. Hackers have attempted various ways to get people’s information; furthermore, hacking is not such a difficult thing to do. Therefore, we have to recognize that our security isn’t perfect, and we should make a new password frequently.

    Another way to protect your account is to avoid using your password for just any request. Recently, many people have been damaged by “phishing“. The technique to steal people’s account information is simple but intricate. The criminal sends an HTML e-mail which pretends it comes from the bank (Kim). The form looks just like a real website, so customers put their information in the fake window without deep concern.

    In addition to these ways, we shouldn’t forget to check our own account history regularly. And then, if you find a strange record, you should immediately call the customer service center of the bank. If you find it sooner, the bank’s response will be better, and your lost money will be recovered.

     In conclusion, as online banking becomes popular, many problems can potentially result. Sometimes we have an unexpected and serious problem. To make good use of the online systems, we have to take appropriate steps and have to protect our own property from `high-tech” crimes. Sometimes, Internet banking is really useful for us; however, we might lose financial security if we’re not careful.


     Conversations happen everywhere: work, school, church, stores, dates, and even the gym. Conversations are such a common part of daily life that people often don’t think about how difficult they can be, or the anxiety they can cause, if all of these conversations are happening in another language. …………………


     The problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English. This avoidance is a serious problem for international students who study English because participating in conversations is crucial for developing their language skills. Avoiding conversations can also cause international students to struggle making friends and make them feel more isolated. While it is natural to feel nervous about participating in conversations, international students need to find ways to be more confident in their ability to participate in a conversation. International students can choose from various solutions to stop avoiding conversations and feel more confident.

       One solution for students to develop more conversational confidence is to learn about current, relevant news. Many international students don’t join conversations because they aren’t sure what to talk about or what other people would be interested in. The Internet makes it very easy to find out what everyone else in the community is talking about; with this knowledge, students can be prepared for conversations because they know what people are generally talking about and can even look up the vocabulary words they need. Students can start this preparation by following a university’s social media pages or listening to locallyproduced news. Learning about current events is an easy way to be ready for a casual conversation.

       Students can also prepare for common conversational topics if they want to be more active participants in conversations. While almost every conversation is different, there are some things that come up frequently, and those topics can be practiced. For example, many people might ask international students about their family, their country, their job, their reason for studying English, or their hobbies. Students can practice responding to these types of questions while they are working or preparing dinner by talking to themselves. As topics come up in conversations that they are not able to speak about, they can add those topics to their list to practice. By thinking about and practicing responses to common conversational questions, international students can have more confidence to participate in conversations.

       Another way to feel more confident is by listening to conversations. This solution helps students hear how native speakers start (or end) a conversation, as well as how they change topics. Examples of conversations that are easy to find include television shows. These shows, especially if they can be paused and replayed, can be helpful because there is no pressure for the student to participate in the conversation or to understand everything the first time. Other conversations that are easy to watch happen in news broadcasts between the featured stories. These conversations are a little more formal than conversations in TV shows, which can be an advantage because students can observe the similarities and differences between casual and more formal conversations. This listening practice can really help students overcome any anxiety about participating in conversations.

       A final way to overcome the habit of avoiding conversations is to refine language skills and prepare questions. By improving their vocabulary, fluency, grammar, and pronunciation, students will not only be more confident in conversations, but they will look forward to them as an opportunity to practice. Many students are hesitant to speak because they do not want to make mistakes, so by refining their language, they can reduce that concern. However, students should not wait until their language is perfect before they speak. An easy way to start is to listen to questions that people ask and create some grammatically correct questions to ask in a conversation. These questions can be practiced and memorized to make sure the language is correct. With these questions and continued improvement in their language skills, international students can be more actively involved in conversations.

       In conclusion, students have many options to solve the problem of avoiding conversations. Choosing to work through one of these solutions will help students improve their English skills and help them build stronger relationships with others. They will be able to take advantage of the time they spend studying in the United States. Since conversations are part of everyday life and can’t be entirely avoided, it is better to conquer the fear through preparation than to limit self-expression. Whether students are talking to a supervisor, a classmate, a roommate, or a date, they will feel empowered to be better conversational partners.

1- Write a thesis statement for this essay.

2- Write a topic for this essay.

3- How many bodies are there in this essay?

4- What kind of essay is it? How do you know that?

5- What is the problem? answer briefly.

6- What are the solutions? Just name them.

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طیبه احمدی

Tayebeh Ahmadi

1-write a thesis statment for this essay?
Second sentence in paragraph one (conversation are such a common part of daily life ……..‌‌‌‌‌…….conversations are happening in another language

2: Write a topic for this essay :
Don’t afraid of speaking

3: How many bodies are there in this essay ?

There are 6 bodis in this essay.

4: what kind of essay is it?
It is problem and solution essay ,beacuse in the interduction , talk about bakhground information , state problem then in the first paragraph talk about problem and the other bodies give solutions .

5: what is the problem?

Avoiding speaking of international students with native speakers of English.

6: What are the solutions ? They need increase self coufidence of speakind by they find out intrested objects

2:prepare of common topic for conversatoinal

3: listening to coversation’ watching native film or tv

4: improvment of language skill : vocabulary , grammer and pronunciation by listining to correct grammer by native language and practice

ریحانه احمدی

Tayebeh Ahmadi

1-write a thesis statment for this essay?
Second sentence in paragraph one (conversation are such a common part of daily life ……..‌‌‌‌‌…….conversations are happening in another language

2: Write a topic for this essay :
Don’t afraid of speaking

3: How many bodies are there in this essay ?

There are 6 bodis in this essay.

4: what kind of essay is it?
It is problem and solution essay ,beacuse in the interduction , talk about bakhground information , state problem then in the first paragraph talk about problem and the other bodies give solutions .

5: what is the problem?

Avoiding speaking of international students with native speakers of English.

6: What are the solutions ? They need increase self coufidence of speakind by they find out intrested objects

2:prepare of common topic for conversatoinal

3: listening to coversation’ watching native film or tv

4: improvment of language skill : vocabulary , grammer and pronunciation by listining to correct grammer by native language and practice

mahdiyeh mokhtari

Q 1 : You can get urself involved with any conversation if you follow the solutions I mentioned in the following paragraphs

Q 2 : talking phobia

Q 3: 4 body paragraphs

Q 4 : problem solution

Q 5 :disabality of non native students to get themselves involved with everyday conversations

Q 6 :
1 be aware of recent news
2 try to find a topic they have in common with others
3 listen to conversation
4 improve ur language

Mahdi Hafezan

Q 1 : You can get urself involved with any conversation if you follow the solutions I mentioned in the following paragraphs

Q 2 : talking phobia

Q 3: 4 body paragraphs

Q 4 : problem solution

Q 5 :disabality of non native students to get themselves involved with everyday conversations

Q 6 :
1 be aware of recent news
2 try to find a topic they have in common with others
3 listen to conversation
4 improve ur language

Atena Raoufi

1- Having conversations with other people is a crucial ability for everyone in routine life.

2.Conversation avoidance and the solutions

3.There are five (5) body in this essay

4.It is a problem-solution essay, because it discusses one major problem (conversation avoidance) and give some solutions for that problem in the rest of the essay.

5.The problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English.

6.Given solutions are as follows:

  1. to learn about current, relevant news
  2. to prepare for common conversational topics
  3. listening to conversations
  4. to refine language skills and prepare questions
Ghazale Saleh

1-Definitely trough making an eccentric conversation in another language we will face with many problems but it does not mean you can not solve them,for sure there are some helpful solutions
2-Miracle of conversation
3-.There are 5 bodies
4-.It was problem-and-solution essay ,because was talking about a problem and also mentioned it possible solutions during the writing.
5-Avoiding of participating in the conversation by international student.
6–to learn about current ,relevant news
–be prepare for common conversational topics
–listening to conversation
—refine language skills and prepare questions

طیبه احمدی

Corrected answer for no1

The problem is how we can dealwith another language conversation and definitely there ara a lot of great solutions,too.

Mehrab Ebrahimi

1) have conversation with others and talking with them
2) fear of talking with others
3) there are 5 bodies in this essay
4) It is problem and solution essay ,beacuse in the interduction , talk about bakhground information , state problem then in the first paragraph talk about problem and the other bodies give solutions
5) speaking with others in english and be aware of recent news
1- Improve your language
Find a topic to start the -2 conversation
3- listen to conversation and others
4-be aware of the news

Saeed Izadpanah

1 conversation with other people is a ability for everyone is routine life.

2 conversation avoidance and have a solution.

3 there are 5 body

4 is a problem solution, because discusses major problems and have a some solutions for that.

5 problem is a many international students avoid participation in conversation.

6 one solution for student the develop more conventional confidence is to learn about current.
Another way to feel more confident by listening to conversation.
A final way to overcome the habit at avoiding conversation is to refine language skills and prepare questions.

Sahar Arfaei

Q1: There are some ways which help you learn how to make a good conversation and avoid probable mistakes.
Q2: Be a good speaker
.Q3: There are 5 bodies in this essay
Q4: It’s a problem-solution essay because it mentioned a problem about particular situation which is about avoiding conversation and possible solutions to solve this problem completely.
Q5: The problem is the avoidance of international students who don’t participate conversations especially with native speakers of English and this problem causes hard .
situation for developing their language skills
Q6: The first one is learning about current, relevant news. The second one is preparing for common conversational topics. The third one is listening to conversations and the last one is refining language skills and preparing questions.

Nadia salmani

1)the problem is how we should solve many hard situations which we are supposed to face with them on making a conversation in the other languages, actually there are various solutions for them.
2)solution of improvement speaking.
3) there are 5bodies.
4)problem and solution essay because talks about the problem and gives solutions to solve the problem.
5)the problem was many international students avoid participating in conversation .
6)to learn about current,relevant news,be prepare for common conversational topics,listening to conversation,refine language skills and prepare questions.

Hamed Ashkar student avoid participating is a serious problem for thay how study English students and avoiding conversations
Q3.5 bodies
Q4. It’s problem solution essay
Q5.many students don’t join conversations
Q6. Confidence- follow social media page- listen locally news – hear natives speakers.

Zahra Siadati

1. Conversation……… Language confident to talk


4.problem and solution, because it smmentioned a problem and then describe solutions

5.avoiding to talk

6.learn about cerrent, relevant news/be prepare for common conversational topic/Listening to conversations /refine language skills and prepare questions.

Farnoush Abasi

Q1. Having a conversation with people in different situations seems easy, but plays a noticeable role in our daily life; however, it is
.hard to handle it in some occasions

!Q2. IT IS JUST A conversation

Q3. 5

,Q4. Problem and solution
As a problem was mentioned and some solutions were given.

The problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English.

The first solution is: learning about
:current, relevant news. The second one is preparing for common conversational topics. The third one is: listening to conversations and the last one is: refining .language skills and preparing questions


Fouad Ghanbari Ghahraman

Q. Being in a conversation that we have with people is related to routine life that we face every day, this is an inevitable fact how important it is and in some situation how tough can be.


Q. 5

*Problem and solution*
As a problem is mentioned and some solutions are given.

Q.The problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English.

Q.The first one is learning about current, relevant news. The second one is preparing for common conversational topics. The third one is listening to conversations and the last one is refining language skills and preparing questions


محبوبه امیریان

1.Although students have problem for english conversations, there are solutions will help them.
2.Be a good speaker
3.There are 5 bodies in this essay
4.Problem-solution essay because it first mentioned problem and then it suggested possible solutions.
5.The problem is that international students avoid participating in conversations.
6.The first one is learning about current, relevant news.The second one is preparing for commen conversational topics .The third one is listening to conversations.And the last one is refining language skills and preparing questions.

احسان غلامی

1- Having conversations with people is an important ability for everybody in life.
2.Conversation avoidance and the solutions
3. five  body paragraphs
4.It is a problem-solution essay, because it is written about a problem (conversation avoidance) and we can see some solutions for that problem .
5. many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English.
6.the solutions are:
   learn about current, relevant news
    prepare for common conversational topics
   listening to conversations
    refine language skills and prepare questions

فاطمه یزدان بخش

1.Having a solution based conversation would be the easiest way to find out ways to solve our problems

2.No conversation=No solution
3.Five bodies
4.Problem and solution essay_because it was all about problems that would happen for everyone and there we’re solutions to help
5.Lots of international students avoid having a conversation
6.learn about current relevant news-preparing for common conversational topics-listening to conversations and refining language skills and preparing questions

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

Q1-unfortunately students have some problems for English conversations, so there are solutions that can help them.

Q2- Do not be afraid of conversation

Q3_ 6 bodies

Q4- a problem-solution essay.

Q5- the problem is that many of students in the world avoid of conversation. prepare for talk about common topics 2-listen to news.

motahare jalaezadeh

motahare jalaezadeh

1.Conversations are one of the basic types of human communication.
2.problem of conversations.
3.5 bodies
4.problem & solution. because it talked about problems of conversation then in another paragraphs gives us some solutions.
5.Acoording to the essay, the problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English.
6.develop more conversational confidence, prepare for common conversational topics, listening to conversations, refine language skills and prepare questions.

Maryam hassanzadeh

1.Second sentence in paragraph one (conversation are such a common part of daily life ……..‌‌‌‌‌…….conversations are
happening in another language

2.Don’t afraid of speakiing.

3.There are 6 bodis in this essay.

4.It is a problem-solution essay, because it discusses one major problem (conversation avoidance) and give some solutions for that problem in the rest of the essay.

5.The problem is the avoidance of international students who don’t participate conversations especially with native speakers of English and this problem causes hard .
situation for developing their language skills.

6.The first one is learning about current, relevant news.The second one is preparing for commen conversational topics .The third one is listening to conversations.And the last one is refining language skills and preparing questions.

Rahele. Vaheed Hashemi

1. Conversations are such a common part of daily life….. in another language.
2. Problems of conversation.
3. 5
4. It’s problem- solution essay. Because it speaks about one problem that is the problems of conversation and give some solutions for that.
5. Avoidance of international students about participating in conversations.
6.- To learn about current- relevant news.
– Be prepare for common conversational topics.
– listening to conversation
– Refine language skills and prepare questions.

Mohadese Rasouli

1.Conversations are such a common part of daily life that people often don’t think about how difficult they can be, or the anxiety they can cause, if all of these conversations are happening in another language.
2. Confidence in conversation.
3. 5 bodies.
4. Problems and solution. Because in this essay there is some problem about the converstaion and then we have a solution for each problem.
5. The problem is about the converstaion for international students  
6. Listan to native speaker’s conversation
Learn about current, relevant news.

zahra bagherian

Q1: There are some ways which help you to be a good participant in conversations.
Q2: How to have a good conversation with people?
Q3: 5 bodies
Q4: problem-solution because it discusses a problem and gives some solutions to solve the problem.
Q5: The problem is that international students avoid participating in conversations with native English Speakers.
Q6: to learn about current, relevant news/to be prepared for common conversational topics/listen to conversations/to refine language skills and prepare questions.

Elnaz Mozafari

Elnaz Mozafari

1.Conversations are such a common part of daily life that people often don’t think about how difficult they can be, or the anxiety they can cause, if all of these conversations are happening in another language.
2.The importance of conversation and its solutions.

3.there are 5 bodies

4.because it talked about problems of conversion then in the other paragraph mentioned some solution.

5.  The problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations with native speakers of English.

6.1)learning about current, 2)Students can prepare for common conversational topics, 3)listening to conversations, 4) refining language skills and preparing questions.

آخرین ویرایش 2 سال قبل توسط Elnaz Mozafari
Zahra Bagherian

Q1: There are some ways which help you to be a good participant in conversations.
Q2: How to have a good conversation with people?
Q3: 5 bodies
Q4: problem-solution because it discusses a problem and gives some solutions to solve the problem.
Q5: The problem is that international students avoid participating in conversations with native English Speakers.
Q6: to learn about current, relevant news/to be prepared for common conversational topics/listen to conversations/to refine language skills and prepare questions.

Vida mohadesi abdol abad

1(2sentence in paragraph 1 )
2(don’t afraid of speaking)
3(6 body in this essay)
4(problem and solution essay because talk about back ground information and state problems )
5(avoiding speaking of international student with native speaker English) 6(learn about current _be praper for conversational_listen to conversation _refine language skills .

Sina Shorafa

1#having conversations with people is an important ability for everybody in life.
2#conversation avoidance and the solutions
3#five body paragraphs
4#it is a problem-solution essay, because it is written about a problem (conversation avoidance) and we can see some solutions for that problem .
5#many international students avoid participating in conversations, especially with native speakers of English.
6#the solutions are: learn about current, relevant news, prepare for common conversational topics, listening to conversations, refine language skills, and prepare questions

Milad Hassanzadeh

1.It’s hard for students to have conversatin with each other on class’s topics but, there are ways to solve this problem.
2.Break The Ice
3.5 bodies
4.problem – soultion essay becuase in first body explans the peoblems and other bodies prvide soultions to it.
5.having students talk to one anther and particpate in class’s topic and improve thier language skills.
6.learn about current news, prepare for topics of conversation, listning to the conversations, refine thier language skills and prepare to answer qustions

Zahra Sahrayi

One ? Conversations are such a common part of daily life that people often don’t think about how difficult they can be, or the anxiety they can cause, if all of these conversations are happening in another language.
Two ? Prepare of common topic for conversatoinal

Three ? There are five bodies in this essay.
Four ? Problem and solution essay; problem solution essays consider the problems of a particular situation and give solutions to those problems.
Five ? Avoiding speaking of international students with native speakers of English.
Six ? learn about current, relevant news, prepare for common conversational topics, listening to conversations, refine language skills, and prepare questions
Zahra Sahrayi

Atena mousavi

1) have conversation with others and talking with them
2) Problems of conversation
3) 5 bodies
4) problem and solution ,beacuse in the interduction , talk about background information , state problem then in the first paragraph talk about problem and the other bodies give solutions
5) The problem is about the converstaion for international students.
1)Improve your language
Find a topic to start the
3)listen to conversation and others
4)be aware of the news

mohadese nasri

i have conversation with others and taiking with them .
2.conversation avoidance and the solutions .

  1. 3.bodies
  2. 4.problem and solution beacuse in the interduction taik about background information state problem and then in the first paragraph taik about problem and the other bodies give solutions .5.the problem is that international student avoid participation conversation with native english speakers .
  3. prepare for taik about common topics .listen conversation watch news .
Maryam Abravan

1. Conversation are one of the basic type of human communication.
2. Talking phobia
3. (5) bodies
4. It was problem and Solution essay because was talking about a problem and also mentioned it possible solution during the writing.
5. Avoiding of participating in the Conversation by International student.
6. To learn about current, relevant news, to be prepared for common conversational topics, listen to conversations, to refine language skills and prepare questions.

mohadese nasri

i have conversation with others and taiking with them .
2.conversation avoidance and the solutions .

  1. 3.bodies
  2. 4.problem and solution beacuse in the interduction taik about background information state problem and then in the first paragraph taik about problem and the other bodies give solutions .5.the problem is that international student avoid participation conversation with native english speakers .
  3. prepare for taik about common topics .listen conversation watch news .
Shoeib turani

Shoeib turani
1.Conversations are such a common part of daily life that people often don’t think about how difficult they can be, or the anxiety they can cause, if all of these conversations are happening in another language.
2.The importance of conversation and its solutions.

3.there are 5 bodies

4.because it talked about problems of conversion then in the other paragraph mentioned some solution.

5. The problem is that many international students avoid participating in conversations with native speakers of English.

6.1)learning about current, 2)Students can prepare for common conversational topics, 3)listening to conversations, 4) refining language skills and preparing questions.

Nushin khoddam ahmadi

1.having conversations with people is an important ability for everybody in life.
2. Speak now
3.(6)bodies in this essay
4.problem-solution because it talks about a problem (conversation avoidance) and we can see some solutions for that problem .
5.The problem is that international students avoid participating in conversations with native English Speakers. learn about current,relevant news,be prepare for common conversational topics,listening to conversation,refine language skills and prepare questionsfollow social media page- listen locally news – hear natives speakers


1-write a thesis statment for this essay?
Second sentence in paragraph one (conversation are such a common part of daily life ……..‌‌‌‌‌…….conversations are happening in another language

2: Write a topic for this essay :
Don’t afraid of speaking

3: How many bodies are there in this essay ?

There are 6 bodis in this essay.

4: what kind of essay is it?
It is problem and solution essay ,beacuse in the interduction , talk about bakhground information , state problem then in the first paragraph talk about problem and the other bodies give solutions .

5: what is the problem?

Avoiding speaking of international students with native speakers of English.

6: What are the solutions ? They need increase self coufidence of speakind by they find out intrested objects

2:prepare of common topic for conversatoinal

3: listening to coversation’ watching native film or tv

4: improvment of language skill : vocabulary , grammer and pronunciation by listining to correct grammer by native language and practice

Maryam Abravan

1. G, D, C, F, E, B, A
2. G Introduction
D. Body 1.c body f. Body e. Body  b. Body.

A. Conclusion
3.This essay will deal with five…
4.Stop beeing prodigal.
5. 5bodys.
6.Throughout this essay , you get familiar with several manners of money management and the implementation of saving money methods which you might find it quite practical in your economic aspects of your life.
7. First step, finally, in addition, another important factor, looking back.

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