Persuasive essay

Persuasive essay

    It is a kind of essay in which you agree or disagree on an issue. Using reasons to support your opinion. Your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right.

Replaced by a robot

     Ever since the invention of computers, technology has done more and more of the job of the average worker. From mathematical calculations to mailing lists, computers have become more efficient, in more areas, than their human colleagues. Although some argue that computers will never replace people, others are concerned about the advanced robotic technology that computers make possible. Indeed, it is likely that the use of more and better robots will someday result in fewer jobs for humans. However, this should not be seen as a problem. Rather, as technology improves, employers in all fields should look to maximize their robotic workforce and minimize human error.

     Until now, many have argued that robots can only replace humans in certain less-skilled jobs. They might, for example, be able to perform routine tasks on an assembly line. These opponents of a mechanized workforce may not be aware that technology has progressed in the areas of decision-making and creativity. Some robots’ work in these areas is almost equal to that of humans. In fact, some interactive computers are so well-designed that it will soon be possible to talk with them almost endlessly before realizing  that they are not human. A computer even won the game show Jeopardy not long ago. These computers are clearly capable of more than simple tasks.

     Others argue that, even though computers may someday be able to approximate human behavior, humans will always be able to do the job better. While that may be true for a general-purpose robot, highly-specialized machines can often do specific tasks better than a human being, no matter how well-trained. For example, human lawyers may miss important evidence. This is particularly true when shifting through millions of emails to prosecute crime in so-called “white collar” jobs. Robots, on the other hand, can sort through this information quickly and accurately. In fact, there is now a software program that can detect not just obviously illegal proposals, but also changes in style that can point to suspicious activity. The computer searches for a switch from a formal to an informal tone, or particularly urgent wording. Within seconds, the program can identify the most questionable language and alert investigators. In this case human legal experts can not begin to compete with their electronic colleagues.

     Finally, some say that it is morally wrong to replace human beings with robots. They argue that it is unethical to deprive real people of their jobs, merely for the sake of efficiency. If efficiency were the only concern, they might be correct. This argument, however, does not take into account the consequences of human failings in the workplace. In surgery, for example, a doctor’s arm may shake. A minimally invasive surgical robot, on the other hand, will always make the right cut. It would be truly immoral for society to be concerned about the doctor’s job at the expense of the patient’s health.

     Increasingly, employers will need to decide when and how to replace human workers with computers. This decision is not easy, and a robot will not always be the right answer. However, it is clear that as computers approach human ability to reason, as specialized programs develop, and as robots become more reliable, there will be more circumstances in which replacing a person with a robot is not just the most efficient choice, but the most ethical one.

What lack of sleep can do to your body and mind

     All of us have received advice to “take a good rest” at least once in our lives. Probably, this is also one of the most neglected pieces of advice a person may give to another. With the ever-increasing pace of life, especially in big cities, sufficient rest–and sleep, in particular–is gradually becoming more of a luxury than a basic need that should be addressed and satisfied. Everyone knows how sleep is important: health experts, psychologists, self-help books, and other authoritative sources keep talking about the importance of having a good sleep; and still exhaustion and fatigue remain one of the biggest problems in a number of developed countries. Perhaps, this is just not enough to make people pay attention to the problem. Supposedly, it would be more convincing to learn about the negative effects of sleep deprivation, poor quality sleep, or just constantly ignoring one’s need for restoration and rest. This essay discusses some of the crippling (and sometimes surprising) effects a simple lack of sleep can do to a person’s mind and body.

     First of all, if you ever wondered how someone with schizophrenia or other severe mental disease feels, a sleepless night could get you closer to this condition. As researchers from the University of Bonn and King’s College London discovered, upon missing a night of sleep, a psychologically-healthy person may experience symptoms typical for some forms of schizophrenia. During the course of the experiment, which led the scientists to such a conclusion, a group of people was offered to first have a night of normal sleep, and then to stay awake by conversations, games, and physical activities. After this, test subjects were to undergo pre-pulse inhibition measurements. Pre-pulse is a psychological mechanism helping the brain to filter incoming sensory information: with its help, our minds distinguish between important and unimportant stimuli coming from the environment. After just one sleepless night, this function turned out to be inhibited significantly. Test subjects reported altered bodily sensations, distorted perception, and weird ideas: for instance, some of them believed they could read thoughts. They also became more sensitive to light and loud noises. After having a good rest, perception returns back to normal, but it takes time to return all psychological and physical functions back to its usual state. In the case of prolonged sleep deprivation, some consequences may be irreversible.

     Do you enjoy feeling depressed? Or do you like mood swings, when periods of euphoria quickly change to severe blues? If the answer is yes, then sleep deprivation is for you. Numerous research studies conducted in different sleep laboratories showed that people who did not have enough sleep, or have been deprived of it for certain periods of time, tend to be more irritable and less able to control their negative emotions. They are also more likely to react negatively to something they do not like, even if the trigger is not significant. This is not to mention the increased likeliness of developing depression. Besides, the lack of sleep inhibits friendliness and empathy, and impairs one’s ability to stay in a positive mood. In addition, if you have such mental conditions as obsessive-compulsive disorder or chronic depression, their symptoms may become more acute as well. In any case, to avoid prolonged periods of negative mood, you might want to sleep well regularly.

     As if it was not enough, sleepless nights can affect your body in a negative way as well. There have been numerous research studies proving that people having problems with falling or staying asleep also had other health issues as well. In particular, sleepless nights can lead to increased risks of heart attacks and failures, strokes, diabetes, and increased blood pressure.

     Among other peculiar and unpleasant consequences of depriving yourself of sleep is the suppression of your immune system, weight gain, memory issues, and problems with concentration. This is not to mention the risk of getting into an accident because of decreased attentiveness and alertness.

     Overall, there is a number of good reasons why you would not want to stay up the next time you feel like working or studying at night. In particular, you may experience altered perception, distortion of cognitive and memory functions, and the inability to concentrate and think straight. Also, your mood will be down, and it will become harder for you to control your negative emotions, such as anger or fear. As if this was not enough, your body suffers as well. In particular, people who regularly deprive themselves of sleep, develop higher risks of heart diseases and diabetes. So, in general, there is probably nothing that would compensate you for a night spent without sleep.



     Why students wear school uniforms has been a topic of concern and debate for as long as these clothes have been around. Though people who argue that wearing uniforms in educational institutions make people appear all equal, give a sense of community, and teach discipline, I believe there are more disadvantages to wearing uniforms than advantages. Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.

     Most developed countries, like the United States of America, believe in one’s right to freedom of expression. Making it mandatory for students to give up their right to express themselves through clothing is wrong. According to, “The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. The US Supreme Court stated in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (7-2, 1969) that “it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers give off their rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” In the 1970 case Richards v. Thurston, which revolved around a boy refusing to have his hair cut shorter, the US First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that “compelled conformity to conventional standards of appearance” does not “seem a justifiable part of the educational process”. So, not only is the demand to wear uniforms not fair, it also goes against rulings by the Supreme Court. In this way, it can be said that making uniforms in schools mandatory is un-American.

     On the side of practicality, uniforms are often seen as less comfortable than normal clothes. They can be tight and not adjustable to different weather conditions. The temperatures in winter and summer can be unbearable in a standard school uniform. Many students have expressed through surveys that they do not feel comfortable in their uniforms, and this type of clothing does not adjust well to varying weather conditions (“Research on School Uniforms – It’s Clear, They Disadvantage Girls”).

     Another practical concern is that paying for uniforms wastes the money of parents when their children can simply wear the clothes they have. Also, schools could be selling uniforms for more than necessary. In the United Kingdom, for instance, the Guardian reports that, “Parents could be spending millions of pounds more than they need to on school uniforms because of exclusive deals between schools and suppliers”. Headteachers and school governing bodies were told by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) that they must let parents “shop around” for affordable uniforms for their children, using supermarkets if they wish rather than be forced to buy more expensive items in exclusive arrangements with suppliers. This means that not only parents have to spend extra money on an outfit, but also the uniforms that schools are selling are overpriced.

     Leaning more into the abstract, uniforms promote conformity instead of individuality. A sense of individuality is key in democratic societies, and it should be nurtured when the children are young. According to, “At a time when schools are encouraging an appreciation of diversity, enforcing standardized dress sends a contradictory message”. So, in order for each person not to feel the pressure of societal conformity, it is important that schools keep a sense of diversity.

     Lastly, many students feel they do not look their best in uniforms. This is due to the fact that uniforms fit certain body types, and curvier or plus-size individuals often feel out of place and uncomfortable in uniforms. Wearing uniforms lends itself to more comparison, and children who do not fit the “normal” student in terms of body type are commonly ridiculed by classmates (Flam, Lisa).


  1. Write a topic for this essay?
  2. Is the writer a fan of wearing uniforms or not?
  3. What type of essay is it? How do you know it?
  4. What is the thesis statement?
  5. Could the writer persuade you? If not, How can you persuade the writer that wearing a uniform is better for students? Make a list of your reasons.
  6. Does it have a conclusion paragraph? You write a conclusion paragraph for this essay.
  7. How many bodies are there in this essay?
  8. Which paragraph is the introduction?
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Ghazale Saleh

1-” Prison Clothes By The Name of School uniforms”
2-No,the writer is against of wearing uniform
3-It is a persuasive essay ,because through the writing,writer tried to convince readers about his idea by mentioning many reasonable facts.
4-Thesis statement; Though people who….when they wear uniforms at school.
5-yes actually he/she was able to convince me about not wearing school uniforms by his acceptable enough reasons that he mentioned.
6-Conclusion paragraph;
In short,try to be free of any unnecessary limitation,so do not make your world a harsh situation for yourself.At least,on the sweet time of every one’s life-their child hood-also the most memorable ones;just enjoy on being together free from any inevitable rules which are waiting for us in the near future.
7-there are 5 bodies in this essay.
8-First paragraph=introductory paragraph

Saeed Izadpanah

۱ topic is about problem of wearing a school uniform like prison clothes.

2no she or he is against wearing a school uniform.

3persuasive essay, because writer wants to give us information about wear or not to wear a school uniform.

4thesis statement, many students feel they do not look their best in uniform and though wear uniform at school.

5yes exactly. The writer able to convince me about not wearing school uniform and enough reasons that he mentioned.

۶ in fact a we should not put ourselves in hard and that your children in childhood should not be hard and live comfortabl because their childhood always remains in the forefront and had memories of this era can bring irreparable harm to the child.

7there are 5 bodys.

8first paragraph

Sahar Arfaei

Q1: ”Why school uniforms are bad”
Q2: Clearly the writer is a big fan of not wearing uniforms.
Q3: It was a persuasive essay, because it clarified the disadvantages of wearing uniforms and tried to reveal us how wearing uniform affects on school children.
Q4: The last sentence of first paragraph (introductory paragraph) is the thesis statement. It started with ”Namely, demanding students….. at school”.
Q5: Of course, Yes. It could persuade me that drawbacks of wearing uniform are more than it’s benefits. Now, I agree that wearing uniform wasn’t a good choice for school children at all.
Q6: No it doesn’t have. To conclude, these are valid concerns of disadvantages to using uniforms and it is widely expected that the debate will continue. However, It is important that we weigh both sides to find strong reasons to continue having uniforms or abolishing them. As it stands, I prefer to allow students choose their wearing style to express their unique personality.
Q7: There are 5 bodies paragraph is this essay.
Q8: The first paragraph is the introduction.

Mahdi Hafezan

Q 1 : uniform or no uniform

Q 2 : he is against uniform

Q 3 : persuasive essay . bcz I read it !

Q 4 : I believe there are more disadvantages to wearing uniforms than advantages. Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.

Q 5 : yes he could actually I have been against uniform before

Q 6 : no It doesnt. To sum up I have to say that as we take quick look at surveys and results we can easily realize that the cons of using uniforms in far more than its pros

Q 7 : 5 bodies

Q 8 : the second one

Hamed Ashkar

Q1:student uniform pros and cons
Q3:persuasive essay
The writer try to change the readers opinion by saying a few reasons for the disadvantages of wearing a uniform
Q4:some experts believe that wearing uniform is not appropriate for student at school
1. Increase teacher focus when teaching
2.Reducing the class distance of students
3. Increase focus and learning lessons
4. Increasing the self confidence
5. Reduce ridicule in the school environment
Finally, the most important point of this article is that school uniform do not actually prepare students for life outside of school.on of the goals school is to adapt the student to the condition of society.when a student is required to wear a uniform, he can not understand to concept of difference
Q7:5 bodies
Q8: first paragraph

Farnoush Abasi

1. No School Uniform, please!

2. Apparently not, the writer mentioned some disadvantages.

3. Persuasive essay, because the writer showed his/her disagreement about an issue and tried to convince the reader that the disagreement is right.

4. Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.

5. Yes, the supporting sentences were even more than enough.

6. No, It doesn’t.
To sum up, after thinking critically and weighing up the positive and negative sides, we may come to the conclusion that there are noticeable reasons which shows that it is better not to force students wear uniform at school and giving them the chance of choosing their own clothes to wear.

7. 5 bodies

8. The first one


Mahsa Maghsoodi

1.Advantage and disadvantage of school uniform
2.No the writer is disagree to wearing uniform.
3.It is a persuasive essay becuse the writer mentioned some reason about wearing uniform or not.
4.Namely,demanding students to wear…at school.
5.yes of course.the writer was able to convince me.I dont like uniforms at all:(
6.we should not forced children to wearing one uniform and let them to be free in their childhood and also they are able to choose their favorite style.
8.First paragragh

Nadia salmani

1)Why wear a uniform?
2)no,writer is against of wearing uniforms.
3)it ‘s persuasive essay because there are some idea for wearing uniforms or not .
4)feeling poeple for wearing uniforms at school and information about it.
5)yes ,sure the writer was able to convice me about wearing uniforms and enough reason for it.
6)The main thing is to skip the non-essential things and not to put pressure on students and children. They are not required to choose a mandatory form and students are not under pressure and they have the right to choose.
7)there are 5 bodies.
8)first paragraph is introductory.

طیبه احمدی

TYebeh Ahmadi

1:Uniform May Cause Discomfortable

2: NOT at all.essay about is against wearing school Uniform

3: This is persuasive essay , because the author efforts to satisfied his /her reader that avoiding wearing Uniform.

4:statement:In the first parageraph Namely……..demanding students…… school

5: Yes ‘sure l agree that school uniform is not necessary for our student .

6: To sum up by making children follow a set of rules and forcing a uniform on them, we take away their right to make a choice and decide for themselves. Children should be given the opportunity to decide for themselves. If you make rules and regulations for them and ask them to follow what you have decided for them, they won’t be able to make decisions for themselves.

7: There are 5 bodies in this essay

8: introduction is first paragraph.

Atena Raoufi

1- Disadvantages of school uniforms.
2- No, the writer clearly states that wearing uniforms is not a good idea for several reasons.
3- It is a persuasive essay. The writer tries to convince the reader about the difficulties that arise from wearing school uniforms. He/She mentions the parents and students who have many problems with the uniforms.
4- The last sentence of the first paragraph is the thesis statement. “Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school”.
5- Yes. The writer listed the reasons in a coherent way. Now, I am totally convinced that students should not wear school uniforms thanks to many reasons.
6- No, it doesn’t have a conclusion paragraph.
” Although some people believe that wearing uniforms is necessary for schools, I myself believe that it restricts students’ freedom. In the next years, the young generation has this chance to wear formal uniforms on official occasions. So, as watchful parents, do not force your children to wear school uniforms. Let them be children!
7- There are 5 bodies in this paragraph.
8- The first paragraph is introductory.

محبوبه امیریان

1. Wearing uniform has been a concern 2.Yes, As the writer mentions above, the writer is a fan of wearing uniforms. 3.Persuasive essay that using reasons to support of opinion and to convince reader.
4.Thesis sentence is at the first paragraph , starting of ‘Namely………
5.Yes, at first I disagree with this subject but then I persude with it . The writer express every one’s views clearly and persude me.
6.No, it hasn’t.
Con : Due to various debates about to wear the uniform in educational institutions. In all there are more disadvantages for demanding students to wear uniforms such as takes away freedom, uncomfortable, waste of money, promote conformity over indivality and children’s self _ image is damage.
7.There are 5 bodies in this essay.
8.Allway first paragraph is introduction in the writing essay.

فاطمه یزدان بخش

1.Why students are forced to wear uniforms?

2.No. The writer seems not to agree with uniforms.

3.Persuasive essay. Because writer tries to make readers believe his/her idea by giving lots of reasons.

4.demanding….. At school

5.Yes I do agree with the writer because I myself suffered from uniforms and there are lots of acceptable reasons in the essay.

6.After all, life has lots of unnecessary things to make us feel bad for nothing special. It would be better if we try not to let little unbearable things such as wearing uncomfortable uniforms ruin the days of our lives.

7.five bodies

8. Introductory paragraph :1St one


1.Advantage and disadvantage of school uniform
2.No the writer is disagree to wearing uniform.
3.It is a persuasive essay becuse the writer mentioned some reason about wearing uniform or not.
4.Namely,demanding students to wear…at school.
5.yes of course.the writer was able to convince me.I dont like uniforms at all:(
6.we should not forced children to wearing one uniform and let them to be free in their childhood and also they are able to choose their favorite style.
8.First paragragh

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

1. It’s necessary to use uniforms or not?

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

2. No, the writer is not agree to this topic.

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

3. It’s a persuasive essay, because it try to give us some information about disadvantages of using uniform.

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

4. Thesis statement (Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.)

آخرین ویرایش 3 سال قبل توسط Mohaddese Beykzadeh
Mohaddese Beykzadeh

5. Actually it makes me agree that using uniforms is not important at schools. Like university.


1.Advantage and disadvantage of school uniform
2.No the writer is disagree to wearing uniform.
3.It is a persuasive essay becuse the writer mentioned some reason about wearing uniform or not.
4.Namely,demanding students to wear…at school.
5.yes of course.the writer was able to convince me.I dont like uniforms at all:(
6.we should not forced children to wearing one uniform and let them to be free in their childhood and also they are able to choose their favorite style.
8.First paragragh

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

6. No it doesn’t have.
However, the most important point of this article is that using uniform is not necessary, because it is an unavailable point to focus on that and also it is not related to learning a lot.

آخرین ویرایش 3 سال قبل توسط Mohaddese Beykzadeh
Mohaddese Beykzadeh

7. There are five bodies in this essay.

Mohaddese Beykzadeh

8. Always the first paragraph is the introduction of each essay.

احسان غلامی

1- school uniform
2- No, he is not a fan of wearing uniform.
3- It is persuasive essay.Because the writer tries to convince the reader that school uniform is not good.
4-Though people who….when they wear uniforms at school.
5- Yes, I do agree with the writer’s opinion.
6- In short, You can see the results of the surveys don’t show students are fans of wearing unfiorm,
7- 5 body ph.
8- the first paragraph is the introduction.

Mehrab Ebrahimi

1. Tolerate bad uniforms
2. Of course not
3. Actually persuasive essay because the writer is explaining us to wear uniforms or not
4. Thesis statement:
Wearing uniforms isn’t good way to say the students are best in uniforms because really they aren’t. They avoid wearing uniforms. They just waste their money and don’t like that. Anyway me myself hate uniforms
5. Yes he could and I agree with him because my idea was like that since childhood.
6. Not actually but the final point or as a result of this essay the students don’t like the uniforms and avoid wearing uniforms because of the reasons that the writer said and I can say the writer could understand the students very well.
7. 5 bodies
8. The second one is introduction paragraph.

Fouad Ghanbari Ghahraman

Q1. Hey uniforms, leave the students free.

Q2. Not at all!! The writer is definitely a hater of wearing uniform.

Q3. It is merely a persuasive essay as the writer attempts to show the point that he or she believes by demonstrating examples.

Q4.”Namely, demanding students….. at school”.

Q5. This essay provides reasonable facts against wearing uniform but can’t change my point of view that I still stick to it; As I ponder wearing uniform brings decent conformity and solidarity which are necessarily essential factors in educational atmosphere.

Q6. To conclude, individuality more matters, being in a part of unit that can educate you in a way you should be submissive is just like military. uniformity impose one thought so innovative ego can’t breathe there! At the end of day, wearing uniform is just waste of time, money and thought.

Q7. 5 body paragraphs.

Q8. First one.


Zahra Siadati

1.what other thinks about uniform?

2.No,he/she ‘s not agree at all!

3.It is a persuasive essay because the writer tries to convince the reader as she/he is reading the text.

4.though people……. Uniform at school.

5.Yes. I do agree with the writer because of lots of reasons like maybe some sts can’t pay off their money for uniforms and absoloutely sts lost their freedom by force somehow..

6.At the end you should have your own choice it’s not matter where you are and try to destroy any conservative belief which annoys you.


8.first one

باعرض سلام خدمت استاد عزیزم، امیدوارم پوزش منو بپذیرید بابت اندکی. تاخیر در ارسال تکالیف

Elnaz Mozafari

1.disadvantages to wearing uniforms

2.She is not, she is against wearing school uniforms.

3.It is a persuasive essay, as she used some reason to support her opinion and persuade the reader.

4. Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom,…. they wear uniforms at school. fact, the writer with Convincing reasons could persuasive me and also i’m against wearing uniforms, but in religious countries, it’s not possible and students should wear uniforms

6.After all, the top organizations set the rules and they decide how the rules are enforced, but sometimes some of them are not appropriate or the general public doesn’t agree with them, as mentioned students have problems wearing uniforms and parents are against the high cost of clothes, and Children should not be permitted to have negative feelings at school as a result of wearing these garments, and they should be able to express their individuality through their clothing.

7.There are 5 bodies

8.The first paragraph

آخرین ویرایش 2 سال قبل توسط Elnaz Mozafari
zahra bagherian

Q1: School uniforms shouldn’t be obligatory.
Q2: No he’s totally against wearing uniforms.
Q3: Persuasive essay because the writer disagrees with an issue and gives some reasons to support his idea and convince the readers that his opinion is right.
Q4: The last sentence of first paragraph(namely demanding….wear uniforms at school).
Q5: Yes he was completely successful in convincing the readers by mentioning his good reasons.
Q6: No it doesn’t/To conclude, after weighing up its pros and cons we realized that its cons are stronger than its pros, so it’s totally wrong to forse students to wear uniforms. They should have the chance of choosing what to wear.
Q7: 5 bodies.
Q8: First paragraph

Mohadese Rasouli

1. Wearing uniform, A double edge sword
2. No, because he doesn’t agree with wearing uniforms.
3. It’s a persuasive essay. In this essay the writer is disagree with uniforms and try to change the people’s idea, too.
4. Namely, demanding studants….uniforms at school.
5. Yes, I am agree. Beacuse I alwayes ask myself why we should wear a uniform and the reasen of this quastion always be awful for me.
6. No. To sum up, wearing uniforms Has benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, it could be beneficial to distinguish formal and informal environment such as office and schools with home and it can give us sense of unity and neat.
On the other hand,Wearing uniform might give students discomfort feeling and also it might hinder their liberty.
7. 5 bodies
8. The first paragraph.

motahare jalaezadeh

1.wearing uniform is necessary?
. she is not the fan of wearing uniform.
3.persuasive essay, because the writer use reasons to support her opinion about wearing
4.Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.
5.yes, I agree with writer. actually I didn’t like wearing uniform at first.
6.No, it doesn’t have. In conclusion, it just does not make sense to require students to wear mandated uniforms. school uniforms are way too costly for the students and parents. The cost has been gradually increasing over the years. students should not be required to wear uniforms and should be able to wear whatever they chose, not what the school thinks that they should wear.
7. 5 bodies
6. The first paragraph

Maryam hassanzadeh

1.Advantage and disadvantage of school uniform
Q2: Clearly the writer is a big fan of not wearing uniforms.
Q3. It is merely a persuasive essay as the writer attempts to show the point that he or she believes by demonstrating examples.

Q4.”Namely, demanding students….. at school”.
5.yes, I agree with writer. actually I didn’t like wearing uniform at first.
6.No, it doesn’t have. In conclusion, it just does not make sense to require students to wear mandated uniforms. school uniforms are way too costly for the students and parents. The cost has been gradually increasing over the years. students should not be required to wear uniforms and should be able to wear whatever they chose, not what the school thinks that they should wear.

Rahele. Vaheed Hashemi

1. DISADVANTAGES of school uniform., he is against of wearing uniform.
3. Persuasive essay. Because the writer tries to convince readers how much bad is school uniform.
4. Though people who…. when they wear uniforms at school.
5. Yes, she/ he could convince me about not wearing uniform by the reasonable reasons.
6. No, it doesn’t have.
To conclude, by mentioning the disadvantages of wearing uniforms at school, it’s better that the students be free to choose their style at school.
7. 5 bodies
8. The first one

Fatemeh Mojaver

1- Integrated coverage or freedom and comfort of children
2- clearly the writer is against wearing a uniform
3-It’s a persuasive essay, because in this paragraph used reasons to support your opinion and your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right with some fact .
4-Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.
5- Yes, I am convinced that wearing a uniform increases costs, makes students feel bad of themselves and is in conflict with freedom laws, but in Iran these laws have not yet been passed by the government.
6-no, it doesn’t .
As a result, there are different reasons for wearing or not wearing a uniform, but this article tried to explain the disadvantages of using a uniform clearly and completely so that students in schools are comfortable, wear clothes that fit their body shape, their coverage should not cost parents extra ,and should be in accordance with the rules.
7- There are 5 bodies paragraph in this essay.
8- the first paragraph is the introduction of essay.

Sina Shorafa

1#Why school uniforms are bad
2# No
3# Persuasive essay, because it clarified the disadvantages of wearing uniforms and tried to reveal us how wearing uniform affects on school children.
4# The last sentence of first paragraph (introductory paragraph) is the thesis statement. It started with ”Namely, demanding students….. at school”.
5# Yes. It persuaded me that wearing uniform is not good.
6# No it doesn’t have. To conclude, these are valid concerns of disadvantages to using uniforms and it is widely expected that the debate will continue. However, It is important that we weigh both sides to find strong reasons to continue having uniforms or abolishing them. As it stands, I prefer to allow students choose their wearing style to express their unique personality.
7# 5
8# The first paragraph

mahdiyeh mokhtari

Q1: ”Why school uniforms are bad”
Q2: Clearly the writer is a big fan of not wearing uniforms.
Q3: It was a persuasive essay, because it clarified the disadvantages of wearing uniforms and tried to reveal us how wearing uniform affects on school children.
Q4: The last sentence of first paragraph (introductory paragraph) is the thesis statement. It started with ”Namely, demanding students….. at school”.
Q5: Of course, Yes. It could persuade me that drawbacks of wearing uniform are more than it’s benefits. Now, I agree that wearing uniform wasn’t a good choice for school children at all.
Q6: No it doesn’t have. To conclude, these are valid concerns of disadvantages to using uniforms and it is widely expected that the debate will continue. However, It is important that we weigh both sides to find strong reasons to continue having uniforms or abolishing them. As it stands, I prefer to allow students choose their wearing style to express their unique personality.
Q7: There are 5 bodies paragraph is this essay.
Q8: The first paragraph is the introduction.

Shoeib turani

Shoeib Turani
1- Integrated coverage or freedom and comfort of children
2- clearly the writer is against wearing a uniform
3-It’s a persuasive essay, because in this paragraph used reasons to support your opinion and your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is right with some fact .
4-Namely, demanding students to wear uniforms takes away freedom, they are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more when they wear uniforms at school.
5- Yes, I am convinced that wearing a uniform increases costs, makes students feel bad of themselves and is in conflict with freedom laws, but in Iran these laws have not yet been passed by the government.
6-no, it doesn’t .
As a result, there are different reasons for wearing or not wearing a uniform, but this article tried to explain the disadvantages of using a uniform clearly and completely so that students in schools are comfortable, wear clothes that fit their body shape, their coverage should not cost parents extra ,and should be in accordance with the rules.
7- There are 5 bodies paragraph in this essay.
8- the first paragraph is the introduction of essay.

Atena mousavi

1)school uniform
3)persuasive essay
4)Namely, demanding students….. at school”.
5)yes,wearing a uniform is not good.
6)As a result, there are many reasons to wear or not to wear a uniform. In this article, the disadvantages of wearing a uniform are explained so that students can prepare their own clothes more easily, at a lower cost and with more comfort.
7)5 bodies
8)The first paragraph

Atena mousavi

6)no , it doesn’t

Mohadese nasri

1. No, because he doesn’t agree with wearing uniforms.
2. It’s a persuasive essay. In this essay the writer is disagree with uniforms and try to change the people’s idea, too.3. It’s a persuasive essay. In this essay the writer is disagree with uniforms and try to change the people’s idea, too.
4. Namely, demanding studants….uniforms at school.And important ion forms for school and children.
5. Yes, I am agree. Beacuse I alwayes ask myself why we should wear a uniform and the reasen of this quastion always be awful for me.
6. No. To sum up, wearing uniforms Has benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, it could be beneficial to distinguish formal and informal environment such as office and schools with home and it can give us sense of unity and neat.
On the other hand,Wearing uniform might give students discomfort feeling and also it might hinder their liberty.
7. 5 bodies
8. The first paragraph.

Tahere mohaddes

1.Uniforms make the students uncomfortable.
2: no, the writer is not a fan of
Wearing uniforms.
3. It was a persuasive essay, because it explained all the disadvantages of wearing uniforms and tried to show us how bad effects it has.
4.The last sentence of first paragraph (introductory paragraph) is the thesis statement. From ”Namely, … at school”.
5: Yes, convinced me that the drawbacks of wearing uniform are more than it’s benefits.
6.No it doesn’t have.In conclusion, the disadvantages of wearing uniforms are widespread.However, It is your choice to continue wearing it or not.Every choice and taught is respectful.
7.There are 5 bodies paragraph is this essay.
8. The first paragraph is introduction.

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