The magic- Rhonda Byrne

The magic- Rhonda Byrne

This is another life changing book that will help you to be more grateful for all the gifts that you have in your life. It teaches you to see the little things that you have and are really important for your happiness. In 28 days, you will change to a more grateful person who sees all the gifts he/she has and is happy and thankful for all those gifts. You learn to look at the bright side of your life. Instead of focusing on the limited number of the things that you don’t have, it teaches you to see an unlimited number of gifts that you have. It makes you feel better about yourself and your life. Always remember that if you are grateful, you will be given more. Don’t forget that like attracts like. So, whatever you think, whatever you feel, you attract to you. What are you thinking about right now? Be sure that it will come to you. So, you yourself can choose to think about the things that you want or the things that you don’t want; either way, they will come to you. Choose to think only about the things that you like to have in your life, and stop thinking and talking about the things you don’t want. Remember that your thoughts, words, and emotions are powerful. Use them to reach your goals.


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