بهناز رحمانی

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Millionaire success habits by Dean Graziosi

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تهیه کننده: بهناز رحمانی
یک داستان بسیار تاثیرگزار در زمینه ی موفقیت از کتاب عادت های موفقیت یک میلیونر نوشته ی دین گرازیوسی
همه ی ما می دانیم که افراد موفق، عادت هایی دارند که باعث موفقیت روز افزون آنها می شود. این د استان خط فکری افراد را به طرز شگفت انگیزی تغییر می دهد، داستانی واقعی از یکی از مهم ترین اصول و عادت های یک فرد موفق که تمرین هر روزه ی این عادت برای همه ی ما ضروری است.
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Millionaire success habits

Millionaire success habits by Dean Graziosi

In the Spring of 1944, a boy who we’ll call J.P. was born to immigrant parents in a rough neighborhood in the heart of Los Angeles. Before J.P. was two years old, his parents divorced, his mother struggled financially, and by the time he was nine years old, J.P. was out on the streets looking for a way to help his mom make ends meet. Newspapers, flowerpots, Christmas cards- you name it, he most likely tried to sell it. When his mother could no longer take care of J.P. and his brother, the boys were placed in a foster home.

As a teenager with no parental guidance, J.P. fell into the wrong crowd, joined a local gang, and struggled to pass his classes as a student at John Marshall High School in Los Angeles. One day in 11th grade J.P.’s high school teacher caught him and his friend Michelle goofing-off and passing notes in class, and proceeded to make them both stand up in front of the room while he proclaimed; “See these two? Don’t hang around them because they’re not going to amount to anything. They’ll absolutely never make it in any business.”

J.P. may have not realized it at the time, but moments like that are what start to create our life habits: successful ones but also bad ones that can hold us back from our full potential. J.P. could have said to himself: “I’ll never amount to anything.” But he said, “The hell with that guy, I’ll prove him wrong.”

J.P. developed his first success habit on one of his very first jobs. He said, “I worked all of my life, starting from nine years old. I had things like paper routes at eleven years old that I continued throughout high school. I even worked for a while at the local dry cleaner sweeping the floors and doing odd jobs for an owner that was so tight with money that he squeaked when he walked! I was working as hard as I possibly could for a mere $1.25 per hour. Then one day after school he called me over and said, ‘last night I looked behind the cabinets and there was no dust! Then I picked up a rug, no dust! You clean this place as if I’m watching you every minute!’ I said, ‘You hired me to clean and my job is to do the best I can.’ He was so pleased he gave me a raise to a $1.50 an hour. For him to do that, it was like I won an Academy Award. And to be honest, I learned an important lesson from this period of my life. Successful people, whether they’re working for somebody else or working for themselves, do whatever they do to the best of their ability-as if the boss is watching them every minute of every day. I learned that in everything you do, always do your best.”

Words, phrases, phrasal verbs, idioms, etc




Rough (adj)

not gentle; violent

خشن، زمخت

Struggle (v)

make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction; fight

کشمکش، مبارزه کردن، تقلا کردن

Financially (adv.)

in a way that relates to finance

از لحاظ مالی

Make ends meet (phrase)

earn just enough money to live on

دخل و خرج را جور در آوردن

Foster home (n)

a residential institution providing care and guardianship for children whose parents are dead or unable to look after them

خانواده‌ای که فرزندخوانده قبول کرده، بهزیستی

Wrong crowd

A group of people thought to have a negative influence on a person’s behavior

گروه افرادی که تاثیر منفی در رفتار یک فرد دارند

Goof-off (n)

a person who is habitually lazy or does less than their fair share of work

مسخره‌بازی درآوردن، یللی‌تللی کردن

Proclaim (v)

announce officially or publicly

به طور رسمی اعلام کردن

Hang around (phrasal verb)

spend time aimlessly; wait around

وقت را به‌ بطالت گذاندن، ول گشتن

Amount (verb)

to become or to produce

چیزی شدن، به جایی رسیدن

To make it (phrase)

to accomplish something, or to become successful

موفق شدن، دست یافتن به چیزی

Realize (v)


متوجه شدن، فهمیدن

Hold back (phrasal verb)

prevent or restrict the progress or development of someone or something

جلو رشد و پیشرفت را گرفتن

Potential (n)

latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness

توانایی باقوه

The hell with

Informal + impolite. —used to say in a forceful and angry way that one does not care about someone or something

به درک  (که او چه می گوید یا چه فکر می کند)

Paper routes (n)

a job of regularly delivering newspapers

شغل پخش و تحویل روزنامه

tight with money

mean or stingy


He squeaked when he walked

One of the meanings is “stingy”. Shoes that are tight (literally) are likely to squeak when you walk

کفش هاش جیرجیر میکرد وقتی راه می رفت ( به معنی خسیس بودن آن فرد)

Give/get a raise

to be given/to get a pay rise, a salary increase

ترفیع یا افزایش حقوق گرفتن یا دادن

do one’s best

do all one can

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